Make a donation
Text donation
You can now use TextGiving* by sending this message: FAMI46 £5 (or other amount between £1 and £10) to 70070, to donate to FamilyMatters-Plymouth and make a difference today. Just Giving will pass on 100% of your donation to our charity.
This service is provided by JustTextGiving by Vodafone. (texting code is fami46, an ‘i’ not a ‘1’)
Single donation
You can make one single donation by simply clicking on the JustGiving button below and help us make a difference to families in Plymouth.
Monthly donations
By making a monthly commitment through our direct debit facility we can look to the future knowing we have your continued support.

Thank you to Plymouth Probation Tuck Shop for donating £75 (Sept 2013)

Big thanks to Tim Lowe and Dave Brittan whose sponsored run raised £500.
Making a donation will help us continue our therapy work with families, your money is vital to our success and the continuation of our services.
Thank you
*Your mobile operator will pass 100% of the text donation onto JustGiving. The minimum text donation is GBP £1 and all donations must be in whole pounds sterling. The maximum text donation allowed is GBP £10 for all mobile operators. Donations sent via text will usually incur your standard text message fee. Please refer to your tariff for details of your standard text message fee.